Managing Your Business Data: From Chaos to Confidence

Kushner, Theresa and Villar, Maria C. Managing Your Business Data: From Chaos to Confidence . Chicago: Racom Books, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-933199-113-9

As a business person, you probably have more data and more kinds of data available than ever before. But has it helped? Sometimes, maybe. But, for many executives more data has just added more fuel to feed the fire of their love/hate relationship with it. You love it when it gives you good information about which markets to pursue or how to compete more effectively. But you hat it when you can't get sales figures in time or, worse still, when they don't reflect "reality."

This book was written for the executive who wants to understand the lifeblood of his/her company, wants to be able to make better decisions, and knows that managing information is the best way to protect and grow a business. This book is designed to help you, as a business leader, think about the use of data and its impact on your daily operation. In two sections and twelve chapters it provides practical guidance to balance the use of hard facts and your professional instincts; how to identify and focus on the numbers that matter for your organization; how to overcome the obstacles to getting a complete view of your customer, how to meet risk and security standards; 12 steps to effective business performance management; and hot to grow a data culture and make it work for you.

Newly minted MBAs are known for saying, "Just give me your number." Savvy managers know that it's not that simple. They also know that it's not that difficult. Managing Your Business Data provides the wise counsel that every executive can use to mange his or her organization's data more productively.

Article: How You Collect and Use Data Can Make or Break Customer Loyalty: The Price of Privacy

Article by Maria Villar and Theresa Kushner appearing in the January 5, 2012, issue of Latin Business Today

Article: A Framework to Map and Grow Data Strategy: Adapting Maslow's Hierarchy to manage multiyear data projects and a tool to monitor, predict and prevent program failure

Article by Maria C. Villar and Theresa Kushner appearing in Information Management Magazine, Nov/Dec 2010.

Article: How to Measure Enterprise Information Management Progress: EIM scorecards assess and communicate status of the program

Article by Maria Villar appearing in the December, 2009, issue of DM Magazine.

Article: 4 Steps to Create an Effective IT and Business Partnership

Article by Maria C. Villar and Theresa C. Kushner appearing as one of Information Management Special Reports, June 9, 2009, on the website.

Article: Enterprise data management: the privacy professional’s role in this emerging trend

Article by Maria Villar appearing in the May, 2009, issue of the "Privacy Advisor Newsletter: The Official Newsletter of the International Association of Privacy Professionals"

White Paper: Data Management Best Practices

Co-authored by Maria Villar and the MBA Residential Technology Steering Committee (ResTch), August 2008.

Data Lessons from the Economic Crisis: Preventing a recurrence

Sample entry from May, 2009, Business Data Leadership Blog